News / 展讯

All for Water

Like Water, Like Flowers/如花似水

Shan Shui/山水之間,Installations

Spring Series, oil paintings by June Yun

Undertones of Green /淺綠


Poetic Dance of Ink/墨韻弄舞


Bridges & Friendship - Mexico-Canada-China/友誼之橋-墨西哥,加拿大,中國

2017 North American Artists Invitation Exhibition-A Leap Forward/北美藝術家邀請展-躍進

Work on Canvas-2017 Summer Group Exhibition


Beautiful Canada/美丽的加拿大

Exhibition of Contemporary Prominent Female Artist/當代實力派女畫家聯展

Big Print at the Roundhouse/大型木刻版畫在圓屋

BIG Print at the Roundhouse EXHIBIT Reception part of the opening of the 2017 Vancouver International Dance Festival. ARTISTS: Corey Bulpitt, Haisla Collins, Kee Toy Woo Joseph, Jeanette Lee, Sharifah Marsden, Susan Point, Connie Sabo, Jerry Whitehead&Gerald Pedros, Sylvia Wong, June Yun

BIG Print Artistic Coordinators: Peter Braune + Richard Tetrault
C3Co Artistic Directors: Richard Tetrault + Esther Rausenberg

RECEPTION: Thursday March 9, 2017 6-7 pm

EXHIBIT DATES: Mar 9-25, 2017 


Big Print/大型木刻版畫

Migration - 2016 Group Exhibition of Artists from North America / 遷徙

Telling Stories, a Visual Arts Exhibition / 聯繫你和我的故事,當代藝術展及活動

Cloud Dreams / 雲夢

Contemporary Prominent Female Artists 2015 Exhibition/當代實力派女畫家邀請展2015

The Splendour of Lotus/绝色風荷

The Paintings of 2015' Cultural Exchanges between Chinese and Canadian Artists

Floating, 天水间



June Yun’s solo art exhibition

June 18 – July 9, 2015

Opening Reception: June 18 (Thursday) 6:30pm – 9pm

Granville Island Dispensary

101 - 1833 Anderson St.



Floating is featuring oil on Canvas paintings and an illuminated installation piece “Mountain and Water”.

 “Zen” or , that’speople’s response after they seeing Yun’s art, but artist self has never thought that way. She says: “I think that’s just real me, painting is life meditation for me, I believe Less is more”.

As a painter, she enjoys the processes of painting in a way that they function as a metaphor for idea and emotion, and as the sublimation of content. Yun’s paintings are about the sensory experience, calm and peaceful, which play at the edge of realism and abstraction to create an ephemeral atmosphere. The viewers can feel that ephemeral, reclusive atmosphere through that subtle unostentatious colour, the use of many thin layers paint, and somewhat open composition, which allows room for interpretation.




开幕时间:618日晚 6点半- 9


地址:Granville Island Dispensary

101 - 1833 Anderson St.

Vancouver, Canada




The Edge, 邊緣

The Edge is a cross–cultural collaborative visual art exhibition. Through the common theme of “Water”, Eastside-based artists of Chinese and First Nation origin, June Yun and Jerry Whitehead collaborate and focus on Chinese calligraphy and First Nations water myths, created a group of acrylic, oil paintings and an installation.

溫哥華第一民族美術館很高兴展出由中國藝術家雲媛和加拿大第一民族藝術家Jerry Whitehead 邊緣藝術展,邊緣 以水的传奇为主题,两位艺术家用绘画和装置作品诠释的兩種不同文化和藝術的融合,交流和再創作。Jerry Whitehead 嘗試運用中國的書法元素在他的压克力繪畫作品裡,雲媛则把北美印第安人关于水的传说和对洛脊山脉的一花一草,一石一流隽刻于她的油画和装置作品中。



展期:        二零一四年,十月二十四日至十一月二十四日

地址:    The Urban Aboriginal Fair Trade Art Gallery

                29 West Pender V6B 1R3

               Tel: 604 558 3580



mi(d)st, 涳濛 /June Yun, 雲媛

Generation One "So This is Canada" / 第一代“這就是加拿大!”

Spring . Water / "春 - 水" 油画个展

Melt - Winter Group Exhibition / 融化 -冬季联展


“Duck Boat in Zhujiajiao” video show / “小鸭子遇警记”录像展

Quinary Art Projects presents Duck Boat in Zhujiajiao, 2012” by June Yun
Artist Reception and closing party for popup gallery: Thursday August 30, 7-10pm
popup gallery @ 1387 Richards Street @ Pacific Blvd, Yaletown.

Duck Boat in Zhujiajiao, 2012” is a video work I shot at a typical ancient water town in the south of the Yangtze Riverwhen I was doing an artist residency in Shanghai Hymalaya Art Museum in 2011..................Zhujiajiao is a graceful and quiet town located in a suburb of Shanghai city. Walking on the zigzag stone pathway and the winding long lanes, it is so picturesque it feels like one is walking in an elegant and fresh painting with small rivers shaded by willow trees, ancient stone bridges over the river and houses dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
But the day that I planned to shoot the antiquarian, pictorial watery town with my friends on our little toy duck boat, we encountered local police boats. The result was an unplanned comedy on the Zhujiajiao River, which attracted many tourists and local people. The encounter became a humorous conflict between us in our toy duck boat and the police in their three motorboats. This dramatic battle, which we eventually won, shows the vulnerability of ordinary people living in China.


 忆江南,梦江南, 魂牵梦萦系江南。 我现在就置身于这小桥,流水的江南。 满目的美景, 这不就是我多年的向往,梦里的家乡吗?


 朱家角座落在上海的郊区,是历史悠久江南古镇,古朴典雅,9条长街临水而建,民居宅地依水而,一式明清建筑,古风犹存. 周围水网遍布,区内河道纵横, 有 “三步两座桥,一望十条港” 之称

去年的四月和五月,我有幸在上海喜马拉雅美术馆做驻馆艺术项目,我的工作室就在朱家角。在这里,我的朋友杨戈有一家酒吧和青年旅馆 -“草堂”。几乎每个周末都有小型的音乐会或是其他艺术活动在草堂举行。

他还有一个小鸭子船。四月里,一个风和日丽的下午, 我们决定划着小鸭子船在朱家角的水上,望廊、看水景、听流水哉悠哉,并拍摄这 依依吴水流,吴中舟楫好夷游的美景,以了却我对江南水乡的魂牵梦萦,不亦乎。

我为这里的、流水、人家 的格局而迷恋, 清淳幽静,可画、情而陶醉。





Water -水 - Shui


“Water - Shui” Press Release


August 2012

Artemis Gallery is honoured to presentWater Shui” by June Yun

Aug. 9 – Sept. 3rd, 2012


This exhibition consists of 17 “Water” themed oil paintings and the video work “A Lemon’s Story”. The oil paintings were created in 2011 and 2012, and are a continuation of the artist’s “Lemon Traveling” series. This group of new work is the lemon’s experience with water scenery.

June Yun has said that while she was painting the “Water” paintings, a phrase “the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Old Testament, Genesis, 2nd verse) always lingered in her head. Now, she understands why water is so special for her; water gives her softness and peacefulness. You may notice the little lemon can be found in every painting in this show. It sometimes likes the Sun, sometimes likes the Moon, but most of the time it is just a lovely existence.


The lemon came from Germany, having already lived in many different cities in the USA, South Africa and England. It was given to the artist in January of 2010, and has since traveled with June to Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Anhui, Guiling, and now resides in Vancouver (from the video  “A lemon’s Story”).

June Yun’s artwork builds on the edge of Eastern and Western cultures. Through her life/ travel experiences from East to West, and then looking back at the East, she transforms her appreciations and struggles into visual forms: oil painting, drawing, video and installation. Those framed thoughts are sublimates of her inside words and passions, made more simple and quiet in their external form.  


Artemis Gallery

104C – 4390 Gallant Avenue, North Vancouver

Gallery Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12pm – 5pm


云媛的“Water – – Shui”的艺术个展在Artemis Gallery在八月九号正式开幕,展期:八月九号至九月三号;开幕酒会:八月九号七点至十点。欢迎参加!


艺术家曾说在她画这组以水为主题的作品时,圣经,创世纪里的第二句话“神的灵覆罩在水面上”就一直萦绕着她 ……, 不清楚为什么,这使水对她来说有一种特别温柔的感觉。


云媛的艺术理念是建立在东西方文化的边缘上的。生在中国长在中国,又在欧洲和北美住了这么多年,加上多年的旅行,回头再看中国的文化,和原来的感觉已不再一样, 也许是距离产生美。通过这些年的生活和艺术经历的积淀,她的作品也是在不知不觉中揉进了东西方的情素在其中,无法否认。就像经过水的洗涤一样,从激情澎拜到内心的平静。她对艺术的追求也更加趋于简洁和单纯。在她的作品里能看到那象小溪涓涓而流,自自然然,不饰雕琢的清雅。



Water and Wall / 水和墙

Water and Wall
Water and Wall

Brother and Us Contemporary Art Exhibition / 偶遇

Himalayas Art Museum International Artist- in- Residence Art Show/喜玛拉雅美术馆国际艺术家驻馆计划展览


艺术家:Jack Jeffrey & 云媛


展地: “楼上第一

1340 W4th Ave, Vancouver


展期: 2011122/星期六


画展开幕: 2011122/星期六

         下午2 – 4pm

Process & Intent: The Making of Art / 过程和意图 – 制做艺术
Process & Intent: The Making of Art / 过程和意图 – 制做艺术

Process @ Intent: The Making of Art

Group Show

At the Clutch, Vancouver 


The Opening @ 7pm, November 21, 2010

Show runs from Nov 10 – 29

Mon – Fri 12 – 6pm

Sat, 12 – 4pm


过程和意图 制做艺术


展览时间: 1110 – 28, 2010

             星期一 星期五, 12 – 6pm

               星期六, 12 – 4pm

开幕时间: 1121, 7pm


可拉奇艺术中心, 温哥华



Urban Landscapes / 城市风景线
Urban Landscapes / 城市风景线

Urban Landscapes

A Mixed Medium Group Exhibition

By Adrienne Rempel

     June Yun

     Robyn William

     Nadia Baker


October 6 – 30, 2010


Opening Reception:

Wednesday, October 6

6:30 – 8:30pm


Britannia Art Gallery 



-          综合材料艺术联展

展览时间: 106 – 30, 2010

开幕时间: 106, 6:30 – 8:30pm


贝瑞檀尼美术馆, 温哥华


Container Art Show / 集装箱装置艺术展
Container Art Show / 集装箱装置艺术展
Container Art Show / 集装箱装置艺术展
Container Art Show / 集装箱装置艺术展

June at Mira's
June at Mira's

June in June II - A Lemon's Story

Video Installation,

The Opening :7pm - 10pm 15th June, 2010

At Mira's Art Salon



      - 一个拧檬的故事


开幕时间:7pm - 10pm 六月十五日

米阿艺术沙龙, 温哥华


Galerie Du Tableau

 - June Yun, Lemon Yellow


37, rue Sylvabelle / 13006 Marseille


Du 07 au 21 decembre 2009

Vernissage le lundi 07 a partir de 18h30




  塔布鲁美术馆, 马塞, 法国


December 7 to 21, 2009