
云媛,现居加拿大温哥华的中国艺术家, 生于中国安徽. 1990年毕业于安徽师范大学艺术系, 93-94 于北京中央美术学院油画助教研修班进修. 1996 – 2001居住在英国. 2000, 獲取英国纽卡斯尔大学(University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)艺术硕士学位. 之后又在英国应邀举办多个艺术展, 并于2001年出版第一本个人画册和接受英国BBC 电台"中华之声"栏目采访- “海外艺术家云媛”.


2002, 云媛移居加拿大温哥华, 在艾米利卡艺术设计大学兼职任教.

但大部分时间, 她是在维廉姆可拉克画室做自己的艺术创作, 并在欧洲和北美举办多个艺术个展 和联展, 2006年接受温哥华电视台专访-良禽择木而栖. 她的展览曾在法国的马赛, 比利时的布鲁塞尔, 英国的德诺姆, 桑德兰, 盖采,华盛敦和纽卡斯尔. 加拿大的温哥华, 列治文, 本拿比 班夫等地方展出. 最近,她又在上海证大喜玛拉雅美术馆做了国际艺术家驻馆项目和展览。2013,在温哥华的精藝軒做個人油畫展和在溫哥華火警藝術中心作大型壁畫。這期間,也多次獲得加拿大国家藝術協會專業藝術家和卑專業藝術家发展等各種獎項。2014,在印度與英國和印度的藝術家合作當代藝術項目- Mapping Mapusa Market.


云媛的艺术理念是建立在东西方文化的边缘上的。生在中国长在中国,又在欧洲和北美住了这么多年,加上多年的旅行,回头再看中国的文化,和原来的感觉已不再一样, 也许是距离产生美。通过这些年的生活和艺术经历的积淀,她的作品也是在不知不觉中揉进了东西方的審美情素在其中。就像经过水的洗涤一样,从激情澎拜到内心的平静。她对艺术的追求也更加趋于简洁和单纯,平静似水,空淼,朦胧得有些空灵感。最近几年,她作品的主题是水,水成了她用来比喻情感和思想的载体。她的油畫,用那并不喧嚣而微妙的顏色渲染出的是一种心境和氛围。看似写实,但总给人一种孤独的抽象感。薄薄的画面是画了许多层的,不再是传统的油画的技法也更不是中国画的方法,而大片的,好似留白,已融入了中国文人画的清新淡雅的审美情趣在其中,也给观者留下大片的想象空间。油画,录像和装置是她现在主要的艺术形式。



June Yun is a Vancouver - based Chinese - Canadian artist. She was born in China and educated at Anhui Normal University and graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing with a major in painting. She then continued her studies in England and received a Master of Fine Art degree from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in 2000. She has taught art in universities and at art institutions in China and Canada – most recently Emily Carr University.

“Zen” or , that’s people’s response after they seeing Yun’s art, but artist self has never thought that way. She says: “I think that’s just real me, painting is life meditation for me, I believe Less is more”.

As a painter, she enjoys the processes of painting in a way that they function as a metaphor for idea and emotion, and as the sublimation of content. Yun’s paintings are about the sensory experience, calm and peaceful, which play at the edge of realism and abstraction to create an ephemeral atmosphere. The viewers can feel that ephemeral, reclusive atmosphere through that subtle unostentatious colour, the use of many thin layers paint, and somewhat open composition, which allows room for interpretation.

Yun has exhibited internationally since 2000: in China: Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen; in Europe: France, Marseille; Belgium, Brussels; Greece, Athens; and The Great Britain, Newcastle, Edinburg, Cambridge, Washington, Gateshead, Sunderland, Manchester and Durham. In Canada, she has had Exhibitions at the Banff Centre, Richmond Art Gallery and Centre A. Recently, she has showed in Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum. In Vancouver, she has solo exhibitions at Art Beatus Gallery, Urban Aboriginal Gallery in Downtown and the Artemis Gallery in North Vancouver. Yun also did the public collaborative mural, “Radius” - a project at Firehall Art Centre. In early 2014, she participated an International Contemporary Art Project  “Mapping Mapusa Market” in Goa, India.